Welcome on becarchive!
Bercarchive is developped for every pointing dog hunter!
- Record outgoings (place, length, nomber of woodcock seen and killed, informations about birds / weight, age, sex, weather, personal notes, etc.).
- Stats by place, city, state, etc...
- Stats by dogs.
- Stats for other species,
- All informations are optional: everybody enters only what he wants.
Becarchive is developped by the same team than the English setters database setter-anglais.fr . It is is developped with the same spirit. New functions are developped day by day, depending on users requests. That is why the pedigree databse is now the reference database.
- Becarchive is free. Becarchive is independant. Everybody can use Becarchive.
Becarchive will be translated quickly to fit requests of all woodcock hunters! The developpers team hopes that it will be used as the pedigree database!
- Designed to run on smartphones, pads and PC.
- All data are personnal and confidential.
- Soon: export functions, photo galleries, links to videos.
A website Tangor Belton / Setter-anglais.fr
Email: basepedigree@gmail.com